LCSR Reports

LCSR Available Reports
The following reports are available for the LCSR. Click on a link in the Report column for more information on each report.  Note: Check out the LCSR Faci...
Thu, 9 May, 2024 at 3:01 PM
LCSR Accrual
The Accrual report shows the total number of exams that have been registered, cancelled, and completed at the user’s facility, as well as the number of exam...
Wed, 10 Nov, 2021 at 12:11 PM
LCSR Exam Status
The LCSR Exam Status report shows the patient ID, exam status, and form submission dates for each exam. The report helps you keep track of what data have be...
Wed, 16 Mar, 2022 at 10:20 AM
LCSR Exam Detail
The LCSR Exam Detail report shows most data elements from each exam, with one row per exam. All users can view this report. To view the report, select i...
Thu, 12 Oct, 2017 at 11:17 AM
LCSR Data Export
Clicking LCSR Data Export in the LCSR Reports menu generates two tables: the Lung Exam Report and the Lung Follow-up Report. These tables show your facility...
Thu, 14 Sep, 2023 at 10:59 AM
LCSR Quarterly Aggregate Report
The LCSR Quarterly Aggregate Report summarizes data for your facility and physicians and compares results to similar facilities and the entire registry to h...
Wed, 13 Oct, 2021 at 5:33 PM
LCSR Corporate Account Reports
In addition to the Quarterly Aggregate Report, in PDF format, corporate accounts also receive an Excel spreadsheet of the National Comparison table with dat...
Mon, 16 Dec, 2019 at 5:03 PM
LCSR Facility Comparisons Report
TABLE OF CONTENTS Report Overview Navigating the Report LCSR Video Training Series Report Dashboards Facilities Map Facility Peer Comparisons Annual...
Wed, 24 Jul, 2024 at 5:11 PM
LCSR Measures - Exam Level Report
Report Purpose The LCSR Measures – Exam-Level report is an interactive tool for viewing a facility’s exam data that contribute to a selected measure. The r...
Thu, 7 Sep, 2023 at 3:50 PM
LCS Locator Tool
Introduction The American College of Radiology's (ACR's) web-based Lung Cancer Screening (LCS) Facility Locator Tool located on the ACR website hel...
Fri, 20 Oct, 2023 at 3:34 PM