LCS Locator Tool
Modified on: Fri, 20 Oct, 2023 at 3:34 PM
The American College of Radiology's (ACR's) web-based Lung Cancer Screening (LCS) Facility Locator Tool located on the ACR website helps people across the country find LCS centers in their area. Facilities included in the locator tool are either an ACR Designated Lung Cancer Screening Center or a Lung Cancer Screening Registry (LCSR) participating facility that has submitted data within the past two years -- or both.
The LCS Locator Tool is also used by other LCS advocacy organizations to post on their websites. To locate facilities, users can enter a ZIP Code and specify a radius to retrieve the name, distance, address, and telephone number of LCS centers in the specified area.
How to Include Your LCSR Facility in the Locator Tool
The LCS Locator tool is populated with information recorded in the Facility Information form in the National Radiology Data Registry (NRDR) portal by either your facility's Corporate Administrator or Facility Administrator. To confirm your facility is listed in the tool and the listing includes information appropriate for the general public to contact your facility, go to the LCS Locator Tool on the ACR Website and enter the Zip code for your facility in the Search By search field. If your facility appears in the results table and the information for people to contact our facility is correct, no further action is required.
If your facility information is not listed in the Locator Tool or you want to update the information for the general public, please follow the steps below.
2. Confirm your facility has submitted data within the past two years by checking your data submission history in the LCSR Facility Comparison Report.
3. In the left menu, under the Facility Management section, click the Facility Information link to open the form.
4. In the Facility Information section, you can record:
A Public Name--the name you want to be displayed to the general public if it is different than your Facility Name. If the Public Name entry is left blank, the Facility Name will be used for the Public Name.
A website link--the URL to direct people to a website about your facility.
5. Scroll down the form until you see: □ Please include my facility in the list on the website of registered
NRDR facilities.
6. Check the box to provide permission for the NRDR team to include your facility in the LCS Locator Tool.

7. After one week, check that your facility appears in the LCS Locator Tool.
8. If your facility does not appear in the LCS Locator Tool after following the above steps, please complete the form at Add LCS Center and our support team will contact you.
Thank you for helping to make the LCS Locator Tool a valuable resource.
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