Facilities may submit data to CDSR via web-based data transmission, and can check on the upload using the Transaction Status screen:

By clicking on the dots at the right end of the screen, the following will appear:
The Record Info shows the following:

The available filters can be sorted by Facility, Submission Date, Transaction (or upload) Date, and the number of records uploaded, rejected or updated. Transaction statuses are:
- Loading – Data is loading, transaction is being created.
- Posted – The entire transaction is loaded successfully.
- Received – Transaction has been received and is pending for validation.
- ValidationSuccessful – Validation has complete, pending for loading into database.
- PartiallySuccessful – Some elements are loaded and some are rejected.
- ValidationFail – Nothing loaded, upload failed at exam extension.
- UpdatedWithNewTransaction – This transaction is replaced with another transaction.
- Failed – Transaction failed to be created due to an error.