Exam and Procedure Name Mapping Settings Form
Modified on: Wed, 13 Sep, 2023 at 4:05 PM
This article will familiarize personnel at DIR participating facilities with the Exam and Procedure Name Mapping Settings form available in the NRDR portal. The form defines whether exam name mapping will be performed at the corporate account level or the facility level for CT and digital radiography exams and fluoroscopy procedures.
How to Access

Log in to the NRDR Portal and click on the Exam Name Mapping
link in the left menu.
Completing the Form
Upon signing in, the information you see depends upon your NRDR user profile, i.e, if you are a Corporate Account Administrator you will see all the facilities under the corporate account, whereas a Facility Administrator will see only the facilities for which they have been assigned a Facility Administrator user profile.
Exam and procedure name mapping should be performed at the corporate account level for the majority of facilities and, for newly registered corporate accounts, the mapping status in the settings form defaults to corporate account-level mapping. There are exceptions to this guidance and, for that reason, the form enables defining exam mapping at the facility level so as not to be overwritten by mapping at the corporate level mapping.
Form Features
The form example below shows the view when signing in as a corporate account user. Important form features include:
A filter function enables users to quickly find a facility of interest. This is particularly helpful for corporate accounts that have many facilities. You can locate a facility by scrolling through the Facility dropdown filter and, using the CT Mapping Status and Projection X-ray (digital radiography and fluoroscopy)Status dropdown filters, you can identify whether facilities are mapping at the facility or corporate level for the different modalities.
The three-dot action buttons enable quick the ability to make a quick update to change from facility mapping to corporate mapping and vice versa. Facilities within the corporate account that have selected ‘Corporate Level Mapping’ will inherit the CA mapping while any facilities in the corporate account that have selected ‘Facility Level Mapping’ will set their own unique facility mapping independent of the CA mapping and other facilities within the corporate structure.
A bulk mapping feature (available for use by Corporate Account Administrators only) at the bottom of the form allows users to change all facilities within a corporate account to mapping at the corporate account level or facility level.

Once a mapping status has been updated successfully, a confirmation message will be displayed. Please allow 2-3 days for mapping settings to be updated.
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