
This article covers the importance of completing a device profile for each fluoroscopy, digital radiography, and radiographic fluoroscopy unit for your facility and the options for updating and changing a device profile.

Dose Index Registry (DIR) participants are strongly encouraged to complete a device profile for each device that sends Radiation Dose Structured Reports (RDSR) files to the DIR Central Server. The device profile contains important information to accurately report radiation dose and to assess practice patterns. The complete setup of device profiles enables the most meaningful comparison of radiation dose-related data and provides valuable information for DIR participants. 

DIR Device Profile Data

Device profile data includes:

  • Prepopulated data fields: Data from the Radiation Dose Structured Report (RDSR) prepopulates the following fields in the Device Profile: Facility ID, Station Name, Manufacturer, Modality and Model. These fields cannot be updated via the user.

Note: The Status field is set to Active by default and can be changed via the data file upload or the Manage Device Profile table.

  • Data fields requiring manual input:

    • Fluoroscope exam data that are not available in the RDSR require manual input including: Fluoroscope Type, Manufacturer Year, Substantial Radiation Dose Level, Single-point Dose Index Correction Factor, and Location of Dose Reference Point.  

    • Digital radiography exam data that are not available in the RDSR require manual input including: Manufacturer Year, Classification Type and Detector Technology. 

    • Radiographic fluoroscopy units contain data fields for both fluoroscopy and digital radiography modalities.

      Note: the optional Unit ID field has been included to uniquely name your stations within your facility (i.e. "Rad Room 4").

Managing the Device Profile

  • Access: Log in to the DIR in the NRDR Portal and select Manage Device Profile in the left menu.

  • Data View:  The Manage Device Profile table allows you to view a list of units for one or more facilities corresponding to your user profile (See NRDR Accounts and Profiles article).

Screenshot of device management profile user interface showing the ability to filter by modality.

 Click on the image for a larger view


Update the device profile data in one of two ways:

  1. Download an Excel data file: Change the modality filter to your desired modality and click search. Select data file in the upload device profiles data file instructions text at the top of the page. Enter or update information in the data fields, save the file, and upload.
    Screenshot of manage device profiles user interface showing the ability to filter by modality and download the modality specific excel data file.Excel data file for RF units.

  2. Update the device profile data within the Manage Device Profile table: Click the three-button action icon and select Edit to complete the profile information. You can also view a history of updates for each device.

    Note: there are 3 separate data files for fluoroscopy, digital radiography, and radiographic fluoroscopy. Each data file contains the elements specific to that modality.


    User interface allowing for editing via the table.

     User interface allowing for editing of units via the table.

     Click on the images for a larger view