The My Applications page shows information for each application associated with a corporate account. The page is available to Corporate Account Administrators only and can be found under the Corporate Account Management Operational menu.

My Applications.png

The My Applications table displays one row for each facility, with similar information as found in the NRDR Dashboard, such as Facility Name and Facility Location Address. The table also lists

  • Application Type, with possible values of

    • Initial: the original application to NRDR for a facility

    • Addendum: A change to the facilities registration, such as the addition of another registry

    • Renewal: Application for annual renewal to one or more registries for the facility

  • Status, with possible values of

    • Draft: Application has been started but not submitted

    • Submitted: Application has been submitted but not accepted

    • Accepted: Application has been received and accepted by the ACR

    • Cancelled: Registration to all registries has been cancelled for the facility

The Action column provides links to one or more actions for each row

  • Edit: Opens a draft application at the last saved point.

  • Delete: Deletes a draft application

  • View Registration Report: displays the registration report created when the application submitted (for applications completed after August 18, 2018, only).

  • Restart: Restarts an application, for Cancelled applications only.

Users may create a new corporate account, submit a new application for a facility, or add a registry to a facility using the buttons below the applications table.

Previous: Add Registry or Facility