Once you have uploaded MIPS or QCDR measure data to the portal you should review the status of the upload as well as the actual measures calculated from the data. Upload files are processed overnight and results are usually available in your Performance Report within 24 hours. Use the report to confirm the data are complete and in line with your expectations, including number of observations, performance rates, etc.
If you suspect data may be missing or incorrect, refer to the Status column of your file list on the Upload QM Data page to review the file status. The file status will be one of six possible values:
Pending – The file was accepted by the portal and is awaiting processing. Files are processed overnight.
Processing – File processing is underway and transactions are being applied to the database.
Successful – The file was accepted and all transactions were applied to the database.
Successful With Warning – The file was accepted and the records were added to the measure denominator, however performance could not be calculated for a number of your cases. Typically this means a numerator response was invalid or missing. Refer to the log file for more details.
Rejected – The file could not be uploaded. Further details are given in the Message column and in the upload log file.
Load Failure – The file was successfully uploaded to the portal, but records could not be added to the database.
To the right of the Status column are columns indicating how many records were in the file and processed. Note that a successful upload does not necessarily mean all records were valid and applied to the database. If a portion of the records were rejected, a log file is created and can be downloaded by clicking on the Action button in the rightmost column. 
The log is an Excel spreadsheet copy of the original data file with an Error column appended, specifying the errors encountered. Review and correct each error, save the updated data to a new file, and attempt the upload again.
The combination of Exam Date, Physician Group TIN, Physician NPI, and Patient ID fields serves as the unique key for each record. If you upload a record for an Exam Date/Physician Group TIN/Physician NPI/Patient ID combination that already exists in the database, the record is processed as an update.
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