The CT Summary of Data Submitted report shows the number of exams and localizers submitted by your facility, as well as the date of the last submission. This report can help you confirm the volume of data in the DIR match what your facility has transmitted. Once DIR Link is installed and you have begun to submit exam data, you can use this report to determine if your exam data are being properly received. Make certain that the report reflects the same volume of exams your facility has been sending. Look to see if we are receiving your localizers and if the most recent exam recorded in the Last Exam Received column is accurate within a 48-hour time frame. All users may view this report.
Report Purpose
This report provides a snapshot of DIR-CT data submitted to the registry for a specific time period to help you quickly identify data submission or scanner setup problems.
To access the report, click on the CT Summary of Data Submitted report link from the DIR Interactive Reports submenu. The standard version of the report, formerly available under the Operational Reports submenu, has been retired. Click the Help link in the upper left corner to open this feature that provides detailed information about the interactive report's functionality.
The report displays the number of exams and localizers by both the date they occurred (scanned) as well as the date they were submitted to the registry (submitted). The report includes a filter to select a corporate account. You may select any corporate account and facility ID, as determined by your user profile. The date filters are set to display data for the past 30 days, by default. You may change the filters to any time frame. To generate the report, select a corporate account. If no data appear, you may need to expand the time period you selected in the date filters.
The report includes exam counts by RPID, Study Description, Scanner, Facility and Date range. By default, the report shows data submitted to the registry for approximately the past 30 days for all facilities within the selected Corporate Account.

The Exams Scanned and Localizers Scanned columns reflect the number of exams and localizers that occurred within the selected date range based on the exam Study Date. The Exams Submitted to the DIR and Localizers Submitted to the DIR columns denote the number of exams and localizers that were submitted to the registry during the selected time frame.
Note that the number of items scanned and submitted may differ. For example, in the screenshot, above, there are 10,631 Exams Submitted to the DIR but only 10,440 Exams Scanned submitted for all facilities, indicating that 191 exams were submitted between September 3 and October 3, 2021, but with study dates outside of that date range. It is most likely that the 191 exams have study dates prior to September 3, 2021 and therefore are not counted in the Exams Scanned column for the selected time period.
Map Study Descriptions to RPIDs to standardize studies across sites so that they can be compared to benchmarks. Unmapped studies cannot be included in quarterly reports or comparison reports (Facility Comparison Report) until they are mapped to an RPID.
Date Last Reviewed: 10-04-21