In order to submit a "Support & Feedback" ticket, while in WIDI, click on the "Support" tab located on the right hand of the screen. Once clicked, a "Support & Feedback" window will appear.

There standard required fields for any tickets:

  1. Email: In this field, type your e-mail address.

  2. Subject: In this field, Type a brief description of the issue or feedback. Depending of the subject, suggestions box with solutions will show that might help you resolve the issue (as shown below).

  3. Description: In this field, type a full description of the issue with details that supports the issue or feedback. In this box you can also do a screenshot or attach a document or image that shows the issue in question. .

Additionally, if you like to summit additional information you will have additional required fields to fill.

Depending of the issue you are having, you select the "Service Group" desired. Based on this answer, different questions will appear. The options in the "Service Group" are:

  • NRDR
  • RCMS -- This options will be used for WIDI
  • Image Support

Once you select RCMS additional fields will show (you can fill all but the required ones are "Service Type" and "What do you need help with?")

  1. Issue Type
  2. What do you need help with? -- REQUIRED*  
  3. Service Type -- REQUIRED*
  4. Browser
  5. Browser Version

After answering all the required information, the "Send Feedback" button will work and you will see a confirmation letting you know that a ticket was submitted successfully.