To launch the WIDI portal, click or paste the following link into your browser:

You will see the following login box:

Enter your ACR user credentials and sign into the WIDI portal.

The WIDI Portal will now be displayed. Click on the Admin link located on the top right of the portal to be directed to the Administrator area of WIDI.

Select the green Support widget located center right to contact the support or search the knowledge base for more information.

You will now see the following Tracking page screen:


In order for the residents to begin the simulation, as a Proctor, you must "Start" the simulation and allow the resident access. If the simulation is not started, when the resident tries to open the simulation they will see the following message:

To start the simulation, click on the SIM SETUP located on the bottom of the menu on the left.

You will now be presented with the simulation setup page. Please note that most of the items will be grayed out and inaccessible to the proctors. You will only have access to those items needed for your role. From the Simulation drop down, select the simulation that you need to start for the resident.

On the right side of the page, the list of residents assigned to the simulation will now be displayed.  Scroll through the list or type in the resident name using the "Filter by" field to locate the resident. Once located, click the STOP to toggle the resident to START. The resident now has access to the simulation. The STOP/START toggle can be used anytime during the simulation.

Other features on this page available for proctors are the ability to reset the simulation and change the duration of the simulation. Resetting the simulation can only be performed once the resident has started submitting responses for the cases. When a simulation is reset, the resident must then redo and re-submit all previously completed cases. Proctors and Faculty cannot see or reset other Faculty responses. To reset a simulation, check mark the box for that resident and then click the Reset button located on the bottom. You will be asked for a reason for change which can be selected from the predefined list of the drop down or selecting Other to be able to type in a reason.

The proctor can also change the duration of a simulation to give the resident more time. If the duration for the simulation is 8 hrs and there are hardware or other emergency situations, the proctor may extend the time of the simulation to give the resident more time to complete. To extend the duration of a simulation, enter the new time for the resident and Enter/Return to save the change.  You will be required to enter a reason for change similar to the above pop-up box.


As a proctor, you need to be able to track the progress of the residents as they take the simulation. On the menu located to the left, click on the TRACKING option to be redirected to the Tracking page.

You will see the following screen:

For the Simulation field, click the field to open a pop-up to allow you to select one or more simulations. Check mark the simulation and click OK to continue. Click the Search button to locate the residents for that simulation.

On the Tracking Page, "Not Started" users will only display after the user has logged onto the WIDI simulation.

You may further filter down the list by selecting a specific institution if you are a proctor for more than one institution, selecting a date range or filter by a user name. Once you have the selection you need, you will be able to see the progress of the resident as they work through the simulation.

Important items on this page are the Elapsed Time, Time left for the resident and the Current Status. There are three statuses for the resident simulation: Not Started, In Progress and Completed. As a proctor, you can click on the In Progress and Completed buttons to display a pop-up that shows the cases the resident has submitted (Dictated) or not yet submitted (Pending).

A simulation can be marked as Completed and still have pending cases. This would occur if the resident does not complete the simulation in the designated amount of time. When the duration of the simulation is reached, the system will stop the simulation and mark the simulation as completed.

Once all of your residents are marked as Completed, the simulation is finished for the day. Sign out of the WIDI portal by clicking the Sign out link located on the top right.