Report Purpose 

The purpose of this article is to instruct users on how to access and utilize the DIR Data Completeness report.


Example Use Case(s)

This report is helpful to:

  1. Provide a summary score of the completeness of your site's DIR data based on modality-specific quality metrics and for a user-defined date range.

  2. Help your facility maximize the amount of data available for comparative analysis (i.e. data that is mapped correctly, has patient age for that age group and has modality-specific dose indices populated), both so that you can compare your own data to other facilities and so that your facility contributes data to registry statistics used for comparisons by others.


How to Access

In the DIR portal, under Reports -> Operational Reports, select Data Completeness


Report Features

About this Report

The About this Report tab provides insight into the reports’ measures and filter use. Upon accessing the report, hover over the information icon (blue circle in the upper left corner) to obtain details about maximizing the report’s analysis capabilities.

Quality Metrics

Each tab offers a dashboard with 5 quality measures displayed as pie graphs: Patient Age, Patient Size, Height and Weight, Mapped and Dose Indices. Dose indices will vary depending on the modality. Clicking each pie graph will display exams that have met that specific quality metric. Hovering over each pie graph will provide a recommended course of action for each metric to improve the completeness of the data and the overall completeness score. The impact score is a computation of how exams with missing data impacted the overall completeness score.

Note: Exams without dose indices will not be included in registry comparisons.


The dashboard within each tab is filterable by Corporate Account, Facility, Date, Manufacturer and Device Name. You are able to show trends with these same filters as well. To view the table of exams, select Yes in the Show Exams field. 

CT Data Completeness

The CT Data Completeness dashboard displays exams that have missing data relevant to the CT modality and are highly recommended for fair and accurate comparison. Specific dose indices for this tab include CTDIvol Exam Max and DLP Exam Max and patient size is computed using Effective Diameter or Water Equivalent Diameter (WED).

DR Data Completeness

The DR Data Completeness dashboard displays exams that have missing data relevant to the DR modality and are highly recommended for fair and accurate comparison. Specific dose indices for this tab include Exposure Index, Target Exposure Index and Deviation Index.

Fluoro Data Completeness

The Fluoro Data Completeness dashboard displays exams that have missing data relevant to the Fluoro modality and are highly recommended for fair and accurate comparison. Specific dose indices for this tab include Total Fluoro Time, Cumulative Air Kerma, Kerma-Area Product and patient size is computed using Effective Diameter or Water Equivalent Thickness (WET). 

Downloading Your Data

Once you have identified your exams needing action or assistance, you are able to download them into an Excel spreadsheet by highlighting the exams using the Index column, right clicking, hovering down to Export and choosing Excel Export (.csv).

For issues requiring assistance from ACR, please contact us at [email protected]