To update the certificate used by ACR Connect, use the following steps:
Step 1. Import New Certificate
1. Import the new certificate into the local machine certificate manager.
2. Place the certificate into the Personal folder.
Step 2: Determine Update Scenario
There are two possible scenarios for updating the SSL certificate:
Scenario 1: Certificate with the Same Name
If the new certificate has the same name as the old one (e.g., a certificate with the subject 'acrconnect' is replaced with another named 'acrconnect'):
1. Replace the old certificate in certificate manager with the new one.
2. Delete the old certificate.
3. Restart the ACR Connect Update Agent under 'services.msc'
Scenario 2: Certificate with a Different Name
If the new certificate uses a different domain name:
1. Open PowerShell ad an administrator
2. Execute the following command:
3. This will execute a certificate selection wizard in the PowerShell window. Follow the steps to pick your new certificate.
4. Authorize the change:
- There will be a prompt to authorize the change.
- The administrator, who originally registered ACR Connect under their ACR login needs to sign into
- Enter the unique code displayed in the PowerShell window to complete the change.