Report Purpose
The Fluoro Summary of Data Submitted report provides summary statistics for the DIR Fluoroscopy (Fluoro) module. An exam search dashboard can help you verify if the data submitted to the DIR matches what your facility has transmitted. You can also identify procedures that are not mapped and will subsequently not appear in DIR reports. All users except Corporate Account Administrators and Service Users may view this report.
To access the report, log in to the NRDR Portal, select the DIR registry, and click the Fluoro Summary of Data Submitted link under the Interactive Reports submenu..
Navigating the Report
The report is comprised of four dashboards, or tabs, with the left-most dashboard being the About this Report which provides insight into the report's measures and overall filter use. To populate one of the interactive dashboards with your site's data, select a Corporate Account and one or more Facilities within the Corporate Account.
Hover over the info icon (blue circle in the upper left corner) to obtain details about maximizing the dashboard's analysis features. Many dashboards have a Help feature next to the info icon that provides instructions about the dashboard's interactive features, e.g., how to drill down to obtain more detailed performance data. The Read about this report link takes you to this Knowledge Base Article and you can share your comments and suggestions about the report via the Feedback link.
The Report Features
Summary of Data Submitted
This dashboard includes interactive filters for Corporate Account, Facility, Exam Date Range, Station Name, and Description Type. These filters are shared in common across all dashboards.
To populate the report with your site's data, select a Corporate Account and one or more Facilities within the Corporate Account. By default, the From and To date filters display data for the current month but you may set it to any timeframe. The Station Name filter allows you to select specific stations of interest and with the Description Type filter you can toggle between Requested Procedure and Study Description views.
The Grand Total exam count in the upper left corner of the report is shown in orange for facilities that have not submitted data within the last ten days so that disruptions in data transmission can be quickly addressed.
Click an ACR Common ID, Requested Procedure Name (or Study Description) in the upper bar chart to filter the Number of Exams by Study Date histogram chart. By default, the histogram chart displays the number of exams by day. Hovering along the top of the y-axis reveals collapse icons [-] next to the month, quarter, and year. Click on an icon to change the level of detail. In the example below, the mouse has highlighted the collapse icon at the month level.
The level of detail at the bottom of the chart changes to month. An expand icon is now available next to month, to drill down to show data by day, and collapse icons at the top will raise the level of detail to show volume by quarter or year.
Exam Search
The Exam Search report summarizes the number of studies, station names, and facilities matching the filter criteria, with details for each study listed in the table. The filters work the same as described in the above section with the addition of the Description filter that enables users to select specific procedures or exams of interest.
To export data, click anywhere on the table, click the Download icon in the bottom right corner, and select Crosstab to create a .CSV file of the entire table.
Unmapped Procedures
The Unmapped Procedures report provides a quick view of the procedures not mapped for one or more facilities in a Corporate Account listed in descending order. The example below shows that 100% of the fluoroscopy procedures are not mapped to an ACR Common term and, therefore, will not appear in DIR Fluoro reports.
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