The MIPS Portal helps you navigate and select measures for the MIPS Promoting Interoperability performance category. To get started, log in to NRDR, select MIPS Participation Portal, select Data Collection and Reports, and then select Promoting Interoperability.
The PI Summary page shows a list of all TINs associated with your facility.
For TINs using the Group Practice Reporting Option (GPRO), click the grey Select Promoting Interoperability Measures button in the TIN header to select measures for the entire group.

For non-GPRO TINs, click the TIN header to expand the row and display the physicians associated with the TIN, and then click the blue Advancing Care Measures button on the right side of the screen to select measures for a specific physician.
Information about reporting requirements and instructions are available at the top of the page. Click the symbol to the right of the instructions to expand or collapse the text.
For non-GPRO TINs, you can select measures for multiple physicians by using the Physician pick list.
Use the TIN pick list to switch to another TIN.
Note: TINs registered for the Group Practice Reporting Option (GPRO) cannot add measures for individual physicians because the measures apply to the entire group. Physicians submitting MIPS data individually, under non-GPRO TINs, can attest to measures at the individual level or in batches of multiple physicians.

Make sure to click the Save button before switching to a different TIN or your selected measures will be cleared.
Selecting PI Measures
There are 43 measures available in two care information groups:
Promoting Interoperability Objectives and Measures (27)
Promoting Interoperability Transition Objectives and Measures (16)
Select a care information group to display its measures.
Note: You may only use one group of measures for the performance year.
For each measure set, there are base score measures that must be submitted in order to receive any credit for Promoting Interoperability:
Base Score Measures |
PI Objectives and Measures | PI Transition Objectives and Measures |
PI_EP_1: E-Prescribing | PI_EP_1: E-Prescribing |
PI_HIE_1: Send a Summary of Care | PI_HIE_2: Health Information Exchange |
PI_HIE_2: Request/Accept Summary of Care | PI_PEA_1: Provide Patient Access |
PI_PEA_1: Provide Patient Access | PI_PPHI_1: Security Risk Analysis |
PI_PPHI_1: Security Risk Analysis |
See PI Performance Category Requirements for more details on base scores, bonus scores, and how the overall performance score is calculated.
To select a measure, enter the Start and End dates.
Note: The Start and End dates must span at least 90 days within the performance year.
Some measures require a numerator indicating the number of applicable cases out of all cases (denominator), and other measures require a simple yes/no attestation. Click the Read More link underneath the Add button to find out more information about a particular measure, including whether the measure is required and its Performance score weight.
Selected measures appear on the right side of the page. Click the blue X next to a measure to remove it, or click the Clear All button to remove all measures. 
Click the Save button when finished to save your work and click the Go Back button to return to the Summary page.
Selected measures appear next to each Physician NPI. The care information group abbreviation is highlighted in blue. You can edit your selections by clicking the Select Promoting Interoperability Measures button.
Selected PI measures are submitted to CMS with Quality measures and Improvement Activities as part of the CMS Submission process.