There are several options for case questions within RCMS ranging from standard multiple choice to a text or dictation based "NLP" question. All questions require a question stem and answer choices but explanations for the answers are not required. Explanations do give the case more substance and these "pearls" and can be displayed or not displayed in an activity based on the activity options. It is beneficial to add the explanations and then not display them within a specific activity and still have the option to display them when reusing the case in another activity.

Multiple Choice - Multiple Choice question type allows creation of a question stem with multiple answers from which the user would select. The number of answers is defined by the user creating the question. For Multiple Choice, the user can keep selecting answers until the correct answer is obtained by clicking on the A, B, C, D choice. When used in an activity, the activity options can be set for allowing the user to have one choice, two choices or until the correct answer is selected. Question scoring is based on thefirst answer selected.

Example of Multiple Choice using Edge presenter.

Multiple Choice Classic -Multiple Choice Classic question type allows creation of a question stem with multiple answers from which the user would select. The number of answers is defined by the user creating the question. Multiple Choice Classic uses radio buttons instead of clicking the A,B,C,D choices like the other Multiple Choice question type and allows the user only one answer selection. To allow the user to change the choice before it is considered for scoring, the user must click the Submit button.  Question scoring is based on the answer submitted.

Example of Multiple Choice Classic using Edge presenter.

Check All that Apply - The Check All that Apply question type allows creation of a question stem and multiple answers. There is only one explanation for the question stem, not for each individual answer item. Each answer item is considered as a separate "question" for scoring so if there are 5 answer items to be checked then the score includes them as 5 questions for the score calculations. In addition, the user will get a % correct for the question so a Check All that Apply with 5 answer items would be scored by the number of correct answers over the total number of answer items. Users will place a check mark in the boxes to indicate which answer applies to the question stem. The answers are not recorded for scoring until the Submit button is clicked to allow the user to change the choice if needed.

Example of Check All that Apply using Edge presenter.

The number of columns in the script for the question is set to 2.

True/False - The True/False question type allows the creation of a question stem and a series of statements. Each statement can have an individual explanation. Each statement is considered as a separate item for scoring so if the question has 5 statements then there would be 5 separate "question" scores. Users will select either the T or F radio button to indicate which answer applies to the question stem. The answers are not recorded for scoring until the Submit button is clicked to allow the user to change the choice if needed.

Example of a True/False using Edge presenter.

The number of columns in the script for the question is set to 1.

Detection Question - (not available for TF Edit or TF Presenter) The Detection Question type allows creation of a question stem with an attached image. The user would click on the image to indicate a finding on the image or click the None button to indicate the image does not have a finding. The Detection Question stem is created and an image uploaded for the question. The image is then mapped with a hotspot for the "clickable" area and annotations are added to display the area once the question is answered. Scoring for the question is done off of the first click on the image. Refer to the solution Creating a Detection Question for more information on creating and using detection questions.

Example of Detection Question using Edge presenter.

Question was answered and annotation is now displayed.

NLP Question - (not available for TF Edit or TF Presenter) The NLP Question type allows creation of a question stem. There are no answer choices because=for the NLP Question type, the user types or dictates text into the response box and then submitted. The response text is scored by creating an answer key of terms. Those terms are assigned a value and the case is then scored either manually or by Nuance language processing program.

ACR Select Question - (not available for TF Edit or TF Presenter) The ACR Select question integrates access to the ACR select application and the RCMS case. This questions allows users to format the question type using Multiple choice, True/False and Check all that apply. When the question is displayed, a button is available to allow the user to open ACR Select. When the correct answer response is selected, the ACR Select decision table is displayed including the link to the evidence information for that particular scenario.