To add or update an institution in Cortex, the user must have an active user account and both User Administrator and Content Administrator roles.

Log into the Cortex Advanced Edit area and select Institutions under the User Administration area.

To Add an Institution

To add a new institution, click the Add new institution link.

The Add Institution page will be displayed to add the institution Name, Program Type, Location, Zip Code, ACR ID (if known from Sales Force) and a logo. Click Save to add the new institution.

To Edit an Existing Institution

To edit an existing Institution, search for the institution using the filters at the top of the screen. Search by typing in institution name, location or, if known, the Institution ID from Sales Force. The list will start populating as the information is typed into the field. The Institutions list allows the user to see what cases and users are associated with the institution as well as editing the institution information. Select the Edit button to display the Edit Institution page and edit the Institution information.

Make the changes and then click Save to save the changes.

To View the Cases assigned to that Institution

Select the Cases link to view the cases associated with the institution.

Click on the case name which is a link to be taken to that case.

To View the Users for that Institution

Select the Users link to view the user associated with the institution.

The list of users for the institution will be displayed. Click on the LoginName which is a link to open the User account and the Credits button to edit the user credits.<